8 Common Skin Problems in Summer and Solutions for it

Summer brings out vacation moods that include images of beach trips, outdoor activities and pool sports. But are you considering the health of your skin while engaging in fun activities under sun exposure? If not, you must read until the end to ensure healthy and glowing skin, even during summer.

Our skin is most vulnerable to the sun’s UV rays. Therefore constant exposure to the sun not only leaves the skin tanned but also causes damage to it. This eventually gives way to various skin issues in summer.

To prevent and protect your skin, proper preventive measures must be taken to eradicate skin allergy problems in the summer. But with awareness of the common skin problems in summer, securing a solution is possible. Here are the eight most common summer skin problems and solutions for you.


When the skin remains exposed to the sun's UV rays for quite an extended period, it causes pain, redness or peeling. This can be considered a sunburn, as the sun's scorching heat causes burning in the skin. Sunburn also increases the risk of getting skin cancer.

The only solution to prevent sunburn is to avoid constant sun exposure for an extended period. Also, you must avoid stepping out in the sun during the peak hours; if necessary, always consider applying sunscreen with at least SPF 30. You can also try out the mineral-matted sunscreen to get maximum protection from the harsh sun rays and get that matte look.

Heat Rash:

Trapped sweat on the skin gives way to heat rash. In heat rash, tiny red blisters or bumps appear on the skin, especially in areas where the skin gets rubbed together, such as the chest or neck. Heat rash is one of the most common skin problems in summer.

The only way to prevent heat rash is to wear loose-fitting clothes of breathable material. Otherwise, it might irritate the skin. One must also avoid being in a hot and humid environment for too long.

Acne Breakouts:

Hot and humid weather also stimulates the frequent breakouts of acne. This is because heat triggers more oil production in the skin, which blocks the tiny pores on the skin and causes acne.

Moreover, sweating in the summer might also deteriorate acne by trapping bacteria and dirt in the pores. While these are one of the most common reasons behind acne breakouts in summer, there can be various other reasons, such as using heavy skincare products.

One can prevent acne breakouts in summer by washing the face with a gentle cleanser twice daily and wearing soft and breathable clothes.

Dry Skin:

Due to dry and humid air in summer, the skin tends to lose its moisture frequently and becomes dry and flaky. Additionally, extended exposure to the sun also leaves the skin dry. If you are the one who loves water sports during summer, you might be unaware of how chlorinated water can cause harm to your skin.

To prevent dry skin in summer, drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated from the inside. As far as outside hydration is concerned, apply moisturiser on your skin right after swimming or showering. If you engage in water sports in sun exposure, you must consider using a waterproof sunscreen and keep reapplying it after every two hours.

Also read: How to Moisturise Dry Skin in Summer?

Prickly Heat:

Blockage in sweat ducts gives way to prickly heat. Due to the blockage of sweat glands, it becomes difficult for sweat to escape and remains accumulated under the skin, causing skin problems in summer, like prickly heat. It gives rise to tiny red itchy bumps on the skin. This skin problem in summer is often referred to as miliaria. Prickly heat occurs to the skin, which rubs or folds together, for instance, underarms, neck, and back.

Staying in a cool, dry environment and wearing loose-fitting clothes in summer is the only solution against prickly heat. Avoid engaging in any activity that stimulates the formation of sweat in the body.

Sun Allergies:

For some people, constant sun exposure might lead to allergic reactions and rash. Avoiding sun exposure during peak hours would be the best option. Even if stepping outside in the sun is necessary, consider using sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher, adding a layer of protection to the skin.

Additionally, wearing tight-fitting clothes might irritate the skin and trigger rashes and allergies. Therefore, you must choose a loose-fitting soft cloth.


Melasma refers to a skin condition that creates dark skin patches, especially on the face. The main reason behind its occurrence is excessive sun exposure. Therefore the only solution is to use sunglasses, good sunscreen, and hats wherever necessary.

Fungal Infections:

The hot and humid climate during summer provides an ideal environment for fungi breeding. They prefer moist and humid conditions, and summer triggers their growth. With excessive sweating, the skin becomes moist, entertaining the presence of fungi. Common fungal infections include ringworm, athlete’s foot and jock itch. These skin issues in summer cause uncomfortable conditions such as redness and itching, among many others.

The only way to prevent fungal infection is to ensure clean and dry skin, specifically in areas prone to frequent sweating. Also, wear dry and clean clothing. Refrain from sharing personal items like towels or combs.

Also read: Summer Skin Care Routine: Tips for a Healthy Summer Skin


Therefore, the only way to combat skin issues and allergies in summer is to avoid sun-direct sun exposure and cover the skin as much as possible. Drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated throughout, which will also give way to glowing and lustrous skin.

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