
The kakadu plum superfruit is antioxidant-packed and offers numerous nutrients. It is a native Australian fruit with the highest levels of vitamin C. This little tart berry isn't one for eating in large doses - the rewards are for the skin. This valuable fruit is currently found in several skincare formulations such as serums, moisturisers, masks, and even more.

What is kakadu plum?

It is also popularly known as Gubinge or Billygoat plum. Being a super star of all the superfoods, it has nearly 100 times more vitamin C than in oranges. Due to this characteristic property, it proves very effective in skincare.

Nutritional values in kakadu plum

This fruit is full of great nutrients. Here are the details about the prominent nutrients found in the kakadu plum:

  • Vitamin C: This is one of the most widely known fruits for its vitamin C content, which makes it a powerful antioxidant. Vitamin C enhances the body's immune function, promotes collagen synthesis, and protects the skin.
  • Vitamin E: Plum also contains good levels of Vitamin E. This antioxidant protects the cells of the body from oxidative stress and helps maintain healthy skin.
  • Vitamin A: This fruit is rich in vitamin A, which is needed for vision, immune function, and to maintain glowing skin.
  • Folate: It is Folate-rich, also known as vitamin B9. This nutrient is required for DNA synthesis and cell division which is necessary during periods of rapid growth and development.
  • Vitamin K: Vitamin K in this is vital for healthy blood clotting and bones.

What skin-friendly nutrients does the kakadu plum have?

As stated above, this skincare component is exceptional in nutrient profile. It contains vitamin C in great abundance. This improves skin brightness as well as increases collagen production for an enhanced elastic effect of skin. Kakadu plum further comprises of antioxidants such as gallic acid and ellagic acid. The acids limit oxidative stress of skin, thus avoiding inflammation in it. Superfruit hydrates the skin as well, owing to the presence of much water within it. Thus, it aids in maintaining skin plumpy and moist.

What does kakadu plum do in skincare products?

Kakadu plum offers a variety of amazing benefits that enhance skincare formulations. Some of the kakadu plum skin benefits are:

  • Brightens skin - The extract balances uneven skin tone and brightens skin, giving you a fresh appearance!
  • Powerful antioxidant properties - It is a powerful antioxidant with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and prebiotic agents.
  • Fades away the side effects of acne - It fights against hyperpigmentation and acne scars through its brightening and anti-aging qualities, making it a great addition to many face serums.
  • Enhances SPF - Antioxidant properties make it an SPF booster, making a more enhanced defense against hazardous UV rays.
  • Stretch marks - Its collagen-boosting nature makes the stretch marks lesser visible.

Precautions to take when using Kakadu Plum

Kakadu plum does wonders to the skin and enticing it into one's routine of skin care proves to be rewarding. Following are a few reminders to be noted when using skin care infused with this ingredient:

  • Patch test: Applying a small amount of the kakadu plum skincare product onto an inner forearm or under the area behind an ear and then waiting 24 hours would determine whether any negative reactions for example redness, itchiness or irritation occur. If there are none, it can be applied.
  • Sunscreen: Sunscreen should be applied at every point during the day, considering vitamin C makes the skin sun sensitive. It should be used as the final skin-chef touch in your morning regimen-a broad-spectrum sunscreen containing SPF 30.
  • Weekly treatment: Should you have it, you could apply the kakadu plum-infused mask or treatment for antioxidant and hydration boost on your skin once or twice a week.
  • Adapt as necessary: Observe how the products are working for your skin and adjust accordingly. If the skin gets irritated, either don't use the product again or consult the dermatologist via online consultation."
  • Allergies and sensitivities: While kakadu plum should not usually present problems, a few will develop an allergy or sensitivity toward some fruits, and if you already know that you suffer from allergies to some fruits and could patch test these products, it is a good idea to patch test the kakadu plum-containing products before any facial or bodily application.


Kakadu plumnot onlyisasuperfruitdue toits nutrientrichnessbut also because ofavarietyofhealth benefits,suchashigh vitamin C content, strong antioxidants, and skin-friendly properties.Thepotentialtobeingested,digestible,andsafelyaddedtofood,supplement, or beauty productsensuresyou takeabigleaptoward healthy and gorgeous-lookingskin.

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