Basic makeup items you should always have in your kit

Indeed, you normally complete your makeup at home and hours before the event. But imagine you are out of the station and need to attend an event; then what? Where will you get your makeup essentials? Hence, we always suggest that you carry your makeup kit so that you can glam up anywhere and everywhere.

One thing to remember here is while preparing the kit, your objective is not to pack everything together; rather, carefully choose to take the makeup basic items to serve your purpose. After all, you want to avoid carrying a hefty bag along with you every time.

We understand that while packing, you feel you will need everything; hence, to ease out the process, we have listed out some of the basic makeup items for beginners that must be there in your kit. Scroll down for more information.

How To Build Your Own Basic Makeup Kit

Selecting the necessary items for the basic makeup kit is more challenging than it might seem, especially for fashion enthusiasts for whom everything seems to be necessary. However, there is nothing to worry about. Repack with us as we share the essentials you should always have with you.

  • Moisturiser (for prepping the skin and smooth application of makeup)

Every makeup routine begins with a skincare regime that helps in preparing the skin for the following procedures. Hence, a moisturiser is a must. If you have oily skin, it is better to opt for a gel-based product like Pink Foundry's Waterlight Gel Moisturiser 72 Hour Hydration. Moreover, the moisturiser provides long-lasting hydration, which is required in several cases.

  • Primer (mineral matte sunscreen is good as it's 3 in 1)

Next, sunscreen is a must. Here, the most profitable product is the Mineral Matte Tinted Sunscreen, which is an all-rounder product for preparing the base layer for your makeup. This is sunscreen but properly fulfils the duties of a primer along with providing increased hydration. Furthermore, it is also a water-resistant product that lasts for more than one hour.

  • Foundation

Next, you need a foundation to make your skin look flawless. Here, choose the product according to your skin type. We suggest opting for a lightweight product so you have less chance of sweating. Moreover, it will be best during the summer as a heavier product will make you more uncomfortable.

  • Concealer

A lot of times, you might want to skip the foundation, which is fine, but do not forget the concealer. This product will help in covering the imperfections of your skin, like blemishes, spots, scars, etc. Opting for a lightweight, in this case, is equally important so that your face does not feel greasy and heavy. A small tip - while applying the product, do not laden your face. Rather, just opt for the necessary amount.

  • Setting Spray

This is your ultimate product. Without this, your makeup kit is incomplete. A setting spray will help in retaining the makeup product within the skin. Without this spray, all your hard work will go in vain. Hence, this is a must. You can reapply the product multiple times to ensure that the makeup remains locked in. The two major times to use are after you have completed preparing your skin and at the end of the makeup routine.

  • Blush

A blush palette is a must in your kit, especially if you are attending an event directly or have been invited to a party. This product will add a natural glow to your face and hide the dullness of your face. Moreover, it will make your skin look more flushed and bright. One thing to remember here is that while choosing the blush shade, make sure it matches your skin tone or, on application, it will appear quite unnatural.

  • Contour

This is a very personal choice. If you are all right with the dimensions of your face, then you can skip this product. However, if you are seeking to make your facial features appear more defined and deep, then add a contour to your kit. Choose a cream-based product over powder, especially during the summer. The contour sticks are creamy and easily blend with the skin.

  • Highlighter

Your summer glow can never be complete without the touch of a highlighter. This is apt for both a no-make makeup look and proper makeup because, in both these cases, you can add a dramatic edge to your look. The best way to apply it is by mixing it with the highlighter with a little foundation for the glow to appear natural.

  • Eye Makeup

For eye makeup, there are four essential elements you need to have - an eyeshadow palette, eyeliner, kajal and mascara. In the case of eyeshadow shades, we suggest always having a nude palette along with the others. Nude shades are the safest option when nothing seems to work. There is another element of eye makeup, which is once again a very personal choice: eyebrow pencil. If you require it, you can pack it, or else you can leave it out as well.

  • Lipstick

This is another major essential. Never stick to one shade while packing lipsticks. It is best to pick one shade from each of the nude and red colour families so that you are ready for all kinds of situations. You can also opt for lip tints or some colour pop.

  • Cleanser (to melt away your makeup)

Having a makeup cleanser is a must because you cannot leave so many products on your skin overnight; hence, you must have micellar water and a calming and mild face wash to wash away all the products before going to sleep.

Also read: What is a Face Cleanser? Complete Guide to Types, Uses and Benefits of Cleanser


Having a personalised makeup kit is necessary for everyone, especially if you are a frequent traveller. This helps you to prepare yourself at your convenience. You do not have to wait for anyone or be sceptical about the products they are using. However, make sure your products are chemical and paraben-free to avoid any kind of skin irritations.


1. What are the different makeup tools I will need for my kit?

The major tools required are the different brushes for foundation, blush, highlighter and eyeshadow. However, if you are choosing creamy products, then you will not need any of them.

2. Why should I carry a personalised makeup kit?

Every skin is not the same; hence, applying untested products on your skin can cause skin damage. Moreover, in case of emergencies, these kits become handy.

3. What are the five most basic items for my kit?

This depends on the individual's personal choice. However, moisturises, sunscreen/primer, concealer, setting spray, and cleanser are the five must-have items for your kit.

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