Understanding Nodular Acne: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

While most cases of acne are cured with topical creams or disappear independently, some require special attention. Nodular acne is among the most severe types of the condition. Since it develops in the deeper layers of the skin, it is bigger and more severe than other types of acne.

Typically, nodular acne occurs on the face and back. Moreover, the discomfort of nodular acne, as well as how it appears, might have an impact on one’s self-esteem. So, this article discusses how to treat nodular acne and also ways to prevent it.

Causes of nodular acne

Nodular acne, like the majority of acne, is brought on by bacteria, dead skin cells, and trapped oil. The ideal conditions for breakouts to form include:

  • an overabundance of acne-causing bacteria,
  • overactive sebaceous glands, and
  • an excessive buildup of dead skin cells in pores.

An increase in androgen hormones contributes to the list of ‘nodular acne causes.’ Androgen can alter the skin’s chemical makeup, increase oil production, and cause the generation of thicker oil. So this causes severe acne and easily clogs pores.

Nodular acne is also a genetic condition. If your parents or siblings had it, there’s a significant possibility that you will as well.

Symptoms of nodular acne

An acne nodule is a solid lump that formulates in the deeper layers of the skin, unlike a typical pimple. They may appear red or pink on the outside. And the lumps can be rather painful and are larger than usual zits. Nevertheless, the symptoms of nodular acne are:

  • Feel like there are tight knots under the skin
  • Feel “deep-rooted” as it takes place in the base layers of the skin.
  • Although uncommon, a whitehead or blackhead is in the centre.
  • A lot of scarring

Nodules associated with acne can develop on the back, face, and other body parts. Although they are usually more prevalent, you may only develop a few nodules.

Treatment options for nodular acne

You can end up having permanent scarring If you develop nodular acne. After an accident, prompt care may lessen scarring. The majority of over-the-counter medications are ineffective in treating nodular acne.

So, if you want to learn how to treat nodular acne, this is a detailed section for you:


You might have too many P. acne bacteria if you have wide nodular acne. Also, acne nodules may be extensive or return following the therapy.

Your doctor might recommend an oral antibiotic to get rid of too many bacteria. Doing this can stop bacteria from entering your pores, resulting in nodular acne. Also, the extreme inflammation that frequently accompanies cystic acne is reduced with antibiotics.

Other pharmaceuticals

You must only take oral antibiotics for a short period of time, typically seven to ten days, but they can be taken for months if necessary. Oral medications can bring on bacterial resistance.

Your doctor might experiment with various classes of continuous-use medications in light of this. Women who use birth control pills can control the hormonal changes that lead to acne. Isotretinoin or Accutane is another choice. This vitamin A supplement outperforms retinoids in strength. It is a once-daily treatment for nodules and all other forms of acne.

The medicine can take months to start working. Also, your doctor could recommend benzoyl peroxide if you are trying to get pregnant or are already pregnant. Also, do not use certain antibiotics and isotretinoin (Accutane) when pregnant.

Office procedures

Combining office therapy with prescription medications may be useful. Using these methods can reduce bacteria, inflammation, and scarring. Acne treatment entails:

  • Extraction and drainage
  • Chemical exfoliants
  • Laser therapy
  • Injection-based medication

Also Read: Understanding the Different Types of Acne on Your Face

Preventing nodular acne

If the idea of nodular acne scares you, you’re not alone. Those with acne-prone skin should be first in line to adopt preventive measures.

So, learn how to prevent nodular acne with the points below:

  • Always remove your makeup before turning in for the night.
  • After a day of work, double-cleanse to eliminate grime, product residue, and extra oil.
  • Put your hands away from your face and wash your hands before using any skincare or cosmetic products.
  • Apply a clay mask twice weekly to remove bacteria, oil, and dead skin cells.

Also read: Understanding Acne Nodules: Causes and Treatment

Get the best anti-acne skincare products from The Pink Foundry

With the best-in-class acne skincare products from The Pink Foundry, you will never have to feel scared of nodular acne. We have the most highly effective face wash and moisturiser to prevent your face and back skin from any acne breakout, especially such severe ones.

Use our Clearing & Calming Acne Face Wash to clean your face first, and apply the Acne Care & Healing Gel Moisturiser with Tea Tree & Cica 50 ml later (at the end of the day) for the best acne prevention.


A nodule or nodular acne is one of the most uncomfortable pimples you could have on your skin. In addition to the face, some people also experience nodular acne on the neck, buttocks, and other regions. You will want to get rid of these because they are painful.

Also, less severe acne clears up on its own or with the help of the above-mentioned treatment methods. To prevent nodule acne, trust the skincare routine and the skincare products from the Pink Foundry.


1. Is a papule a nodule of acne?

Like acne papules, acne nodules are larger and deeper in the skin than papules.

2. Can You Get Rid of Nodular Acne?

Nodular acne does indeed go away. You can take care of it at home or, if necessary, see a skin care professional. Regardless of how serious the illness is, it does improve.

3. How can nodular acne be naturally treated?

People should attempt washing their face twice daily to maintain clear skin and minimise breakouts. Also, remove makeup before going to bed. And most importantly, apply the best lightweight acne moisturiser.

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