How to Find The Right Cleanser For Combination Skin (and How to Use It)

Do you get the feeling that you have two different types of skin on your face? While some parts might feel rough and dry, other areas might shine due to excess oil, especially the T-zone area. This is a clear indication that you have combination skin. This makes it even more challenging to find the right products for cleansing and purifying your skin. Read the article to discover the perfect cleanser for combination skin and get rid of all impurities with ease.

The importance of cleansing for combination skin

Irrespective of your skin type, cleansing is the first and utterly basic step in a skincare regimen. As you handle all daily chores and run around different corners of the outside world, a buildup of dirt, dust, oil, and other impurities appears on your face. Using a cleanser for oily and dry skin will eliminate these buildups from the surface of your skin and bring back its hidden glow.

Choosing the right cleanser for combination skin

Discovering a gentle cleanser for combination skin might be challenging but not impossible. At The Pink Foundry, we have formulated the Clearing & Calming Acne Face Wash for oily & combination skin. By cleansing and purifying your skin from deep inside, this face wash will treat existing acne and prevent future breakouts. This face wash will help remove layers of dead skin cells through gentle exfoliation and eliminate the dull and rough texture of your skin.

Any dirt and bacteria accumulated on the surface of your skin will be removed by this face wash to keep all your pores clean. It will also help stop the excessive production of oil and sebum. Incorporating this face wash into your skincare regimen will help you enjoy clear and fresh-looking skin.

Also Read: What is a Face Cleanser? Complete Guide to Types, Uses and Benefits of Cleanser

Cleansing techniques for combination skin

While looking for a cleanser for sensitive combination skin, you must check the list of ingredients. Any cleanser with salicylic acid in it will be perfect for individuals with combination skin. With 1.5% salicylic acid, the Clearing & Calming Acne Face Wash from The Pink Foundry will gently exfoliate and cleanse your skin.

Apart from using a cleanser, people with combination skin must rely on a toner to get rid of excess oil. Adding a toner to your skincare routine will help tackle blemishes and blackheads. Furthermore, you should definitely double cleanse at night if you have been wearing makeup the entire day.

Double cleansing for combination skin

Double cleansing is highly beneficial for people with combination skin. The process of double cleansing is basically cleaning your face two times. First, go with an oil-based product for cleansing.

After that, you can move on to applying a water-based cleanser. Some stubborn, acne-causing impurities might stay back after you clean your face for the first time. But cleaning it again will help remove every ounce of impurity.

The first cleanser helps in removing makeup, excess oils, and dirt from your skin. The second one should contain the right ingredients as per your skin type to hydrate, soothe, and exfoliate. This double cleansing will enable your skin to better absorb moisturisers and other products that you put on it.

Also Read: What is Double Cleansing? What is the Right Method of Doing it?


Taking care of your combination skin might seem a little tricky. But once you discover the right skincare products for your combination skin, maintaining its authentic glow will be a piece of cake. So, invest in the right cleanser for your combination skin and flaunt its beauty.


What should I look for in a cleanser for sensitive combination skin?

The best cleanser for sensitive combination skin will clear all impurities without hampering the natural oils on the surface of your skin. Once you come across the Clearing & Calming Acne Face Wash, your search for a cleanser for combination skin will come to an end.

What should be the main ingredient in a cleanser for combination skin?

Salicylic acid should be one of the prime ingredients in a cleanser for combination skin to say goodbye to dead skin cells, excess sebum, and other impurities. By stopping dead cells from getting trapped under the surface of the skin, an effective cleanser for combination skin will help unblock all your pores. As a result, a cleanser meant for combination skin will essentially cure existing acne and inhibit future breakouts.

Should I use a toner for combination skin?

People with combination skin often benefit from regularly using a face toner. A toner is great for controlling sebum production and maintaining the pH levels of combination skin. If your T-zone seems oily, avoid using a toner with alcohol to prevent dryness. Drying out your T-zone will make your skin produce more sebum and increase the oiliness. But a balancing toner will help rejuvenate and restore your skin without affecting its pH level. Avoid using a toner on areas like the cheeks of your combination skin because they usually remain dry.

Is exfoliation good for combination skin?

Even if you have combination skin, a buildup of dead skin cells might accumulate on your face. These dead cells hide your skin’s glow and give rise to blemishes. Exfoliation is pivotal in helping with the regular removal of dead cells from the surface of your skin. As a result, the pores will remain open, and no acne breakouts will occur. But remember to choose a gentle cleanser to prevent damage to the texture of your skin.

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